It could be a continuity error or, more than likely, reflective of her hairstyle in the upcoming sequel, The Marvels (AKA Captain Marvel 2). We really need Marvel to start putting calendars in more of its movies.Ĭuriously, his fellow Avenger Captain Marvel has far longer hair here than at the end of Endgame. Depending on the exact month Endgame took place, that means we're looking at (as mentioned above) April 2023 or April 2024. Unless it’s a particularly gruesome injury – which we doubt, given Hulk’s healing abilities – we’re talking a handful of months or even weeks after Endgame. As a refresher, the Jade Giant suffered the injury after restoring the universe and undoing Thanos’ snap during Endgame. Still here? Then you know that Bruce Banner shows up during the post-credits scene with his arm still in a sling. **Another spoiler warning! Turn back now if you haven't seen Shang-Chi!** The surprise appearance of one character more definitively zeroes in on a timeframe when factoring in Endgame. We're leaning more towards the latter here. It's not been confirmed which yet but, for it to be the latter, it will mean Endgame took place in early 2023. Otherwise known as the Qingming Festival, China's answer to the day of remembrance takes place in the first week of April.Ĭouple that with Shang-Chi and Katy's two interactions with their friends from school making pointed reference to it being "two weeks" since they last met, and we can narrow Shang-Chi's place on the MCU timeline down to across two weeks in either April 2023 or April 2024. It's a little dated now and, as I say, more an advert than a true documentary, but as a time capsule curio it was reasonable interesting.Katy's grandmother also makes reference to celebrating the upcoming Day of the Dead. There's also interviews with Kevin Feige about his visions for the overall storyline of the universe and how their carefully seeded things in the direction of the Infinity stones and Thanos from an early point. There are interviews with the stars and directors of the various films, thought I suspect they were actually recorded for the DVD's of the films themselves.

Again, it's not really a structured regimented documentary, it's a 40 minute recap / advert for their projects with some teasers for "The Winters Soldier", "Guardians of the Galaxy" and particularly for the new "Agents of SHIELD" show, that it felt at the time might prove to be more important than really it was allowed to be. Their success with the "B-Team" characters allowed not only for riskier and more varied projects going forward, but also for the big players to return home. Their masterstroke though was to set all the movies in one shared universe, allowing for characters to continually cross into each other's stories leading to "Avengers Assemble" their major crossover movie. Starting with "Ironman" in 2008, Marvel's risky decision to stop leasing out their iconic characters to other studios and instead make the movies themselves has paid off in a big way.
Originally a DVD extra, "Assembling a Universe" now appears on Disney Plus in the documentary section, which is, if I'm honest a little bit of a stretch - but it does go into the creation of the first phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and does have a few interviews with the key figures.